No he wasn’t. Not even close.
Interesting book anyway, but more proof that anyone can claim to remember anything – but that does not make it true.
Don’t know who should be more embarrassed – Janice Knowlton for not being believable, the reading public in general for having been ripped-off, or Michael Newton (one of our best crime writers) for being suckered into shaping this story into a book.
The absolutely horrifying true story of how teenage Sylvia Likens was systematically tortured, raped, starved and eventually murdered by the sick, evil woman Sylvia and her sister were staying with in Indiana.
This book is very hard to take as is the one movie I’ve seen about the case, THE GIRL NEXT DOOR. Makes you wish that the bitch who did this to Sylvia could come back from hell just long enough to send her right back to the pit. I’d enjoy seeing the look on her face right before she heads back to the flames.
Doing a Google map search, I discovered that this house is still standing and, at last check, was occupied. Must still be some kind of grisly tourist attraction.
Michael Newton is one of our best true crime chroniclers. I’m pleased to say that I’ve almost forgiven him for co-authoring DADDY WAS THE BLACK DAHLIA KILLER, which turned out to be the farcical ravings of a women with “false memories”.
I wonder if dead Satanists are still entitled to decent, Christian burials?
Essential reading for a who’s who of whackjobs.
Yup, he had small body parts in his pocket when he was arrested. This dumb-ass handed them his own conviction. Wish all dick-head criminals were this moronic and accommodating. World’d be a much better place.
“He promised to honor the dead, then butchered their bodies and sold the parts!”
Hmmm. Interesting to see that the American Entrepreneurial Spirit is alive and well even in the funeral biz.
Boy, this Pamela Smart chick musta really had quite a nookie to get this kid to kill her husband, Greg, for her. But, then, the boy was probably inexperienced enough to believe that Pam’s muffin was the best thing to happen to him. Wonder if he thinks so now?